New LED Stage Lighting System debuts at the Arts Center

Installation of a new LED stage lighting system has been completed at the new CNY Community Arts Center located at 121 Cayuga St in downtown Fulton. With funding from a New York State Council on the Arts grant, the state-of-the-art light ‘package’ includes LED stage lights in a variety of sizes and features that are expected to greatly reduce the heat and energy use from traditional tungsten stage lights while offering a broader range of design capabilities. Syracuse Scenery and Stage Lighting designed and installed the new system for the Arts Center.

“This is a very exciting time for the Arts Center and for our theatre folks,” said Nancy Fox, Executive Director. “It is rare for a small theatre to house this kind of lighting and it was only possible for us through this state grant. The lights make a major difference onstage. Many of the lights are really small but powerful. They do not generate the heat that takes a toll on the actors and heats up the theatre. 

"There are things these lights will do that we have barely begun to explore for special effects and color spectrum and flexibility. We are very excited to see what the possibilities are and to deliver our audiences a truly professional experience. This system will carry us into literally a brighter future for everything we do onstage.”

The new lighting system will debut with the opening of Blithe Spirit running September 27-29 and October 4-6. “Blithe Spirit is a perfect production to launch the new system with calls for ghostly scenes and special effects, a broad range of lighting from day to evening, moods and supernatural happenings,” Fox continued. “We will be exploring the possibilities of this new system with each production. I just can’t wait for everyone to see it!”

Blithe Spirit runs for two weekends with Friday and Saturday performances at 7:30 and Sunday matinees at 3pm. For more information or tickets visit or call 315-598-ARTS(287).

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