Be Our Guest Spaghetti Dinner to support Beauty and the Beast, Jr.

CNY Community Arts Center is setting the table for a Spaghetti Dinner fundraiser to support the next stage production, Beauty and the Beast, Jr, set to open next month. The spaghetti dinner to be held Saturday, April 27 from 3-7 pm, at 1st United Church in Fulton, will support the high cost of royalties and costumes and more for the popular musical production.

“The Jr production with more than 30 children onstage will feature all the popular characters and music from the classic Disney musical”, said Director Adam Schmidtmann, “but the cost of doing such productions runs in the thousands just for the rights to produce it. When you add in the character costumes and set, and the professional staff to coordinate all the pieces, it is quite a hefty price tag that ticket sales alone cannot cover.

“That’s why we do multiple fundraisers all through the rehearsal period to help defray those costs. We’ve held a bottle and can drive, a 2000Roses Crowd-funding campaign to cover the $2000 for royalties, and now we are hosting this Be Our Guest spaghetti dinner where there will be baskets and raffles and the kids in the production will serve the dinner.”

The First United Church, located at 33 S. 3rd St. in Fulton, has donated the use of the hall and kitchen for the fundraiser. Take out dinners will be available and tickets can be purchased online at

The production runs May 10-19 in the new Community Arts Center in Fulton. Advance ticket purchase is strongly encouraged to avoid missing the show which is projected to sell out. Visit the website for more information.
